So, first day of spring, huh? 
doesn't it make you want to wear lighter clothes, be more daring in your outfits,
 and daydream of picnics and adventures?
For me, all this translates to a complete and utter love for anything and everything pastel.
I know, I know,
 pastels for spring? Groundbreaking! 
But I do love them, don't you? 
This is my absolute, definite (pastel) wishlist for this spring.

also, the promise of warmer weather has me craving ice cream, so, 
saving the best for last, here are some ice cream themed goodies that look good enough to eat. 

so, what do you think? do you like pastels for spring, or are you more of a floral person? 
(I also have a floral wishlist that I will post soon, just for you)
(what? of course I have several, themed and very specific, wishlists. did you expect any less?)